2-4 Year Olds (non-VPK)


No appointment is necessary to tour our school.  Parents and visitors are welcome any hours the school is open (however, we do ask that visitors not interrupt classroom routines and activities).

The best times to see "children in action" and observe classroom activities are between 9-11:15 a.m. or after 2:30 p.m. (around lunch and nap time). Please contact us for more info 

​5 full days
5 half-days
3 full days (MWF)
2 full days (T-Th)

     4-5 Year Olds (VPK)

5 full days
5 half days

(call for availability)


Registration for fall takes place during the month of March.  However, new enrollments are accepted any time of year if space is available.  A $125 annual enrollment fee is due in order to hold your child's spot. 

Please submit all paperwork at least one week prior to your child's start date. 


1.  Submit the non-refundable Annual Enrollment Fee of $125.
2.  Submit a completed 
enrollment form and email it back to us as an attachment.
3. Submit two medical forms:
- Physical Exam not less than two years old
- Florida Immunization Record
- Please contact your child's doctor or the Health Department to obtain the medical forms.
4. Children enrolling in our VPK Program must also submit a VPK Certificate of Eligibility. 

​Click HERE for VPK Registration Information or to get your certificate.